10'x15' Vendor Booth & Additional Options
Instructions: (please read entire instructions before continuing)
- Select your booth below.
- You will be taken to a separate page where you will add it to your cart.
- Return to this page by clicking your browser's back button
- Select the next item
- Repeat as needed
- Go to the Cart to complete your transaction
Fabulous Fringe Scarf
Fabulous Fringe Scarf
Instructor: Lauralee DeLuca
Day: Friday
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Hours Required: 3 hours
Maximum Students: 10
Total Class Fee (includes $25 material fee): $111
Location: 4-H Building
Class Description: Come join us to make a fabulous, colorful scarf edged on three sides with wonderful long wool locks. Students will learn how to lay wool locks and top, then wet felt them together to make this unique and fun scarf.
Required Skills: None, no experience necessary.
Students Should Bring to Class: Students should bring a full and hand sized towel.
Supplies Provided by Instructor: All wool and supplies will be provided.
Vendor Advertisement Options for 2023
(Note: Website Logo is included in all advertisement options)
Website Logo only:
Logo/picture displayed on the Vendor List page on the Fiber Fusion website for $10.
Website Logo plus choose an additional option of an ad in the Event Guide:
1/8 page Display ad B&W -approx. 2" high x 2.15" wide - $30
1/4 page Display ad B&W -approx. 4" high x 2.15" wide or 2" high x 5.25" wide - $50
1/2 page Display ad B&W -approx. 4" high X 5.25" wide or 8" high x 2.15" wide - $75