Anna AndersonAnna Anderson has been teaching and giving demonstrations on wet felting techniques for several years. She is a fiber artist living in St. Regis , Montana with my husband, two teen children, and a variety of fiber and farm animals.
Anna is a fiber addict by heart, and enjoys all things fiber related. Hobbies include spinning, felting (both wet and needle felting), raising and rescuing fiber animals. She enjoys sharing the different techniques that she has discovered to create fun one of a kind fiber creations. Classes Anna will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW:
Patti Barker
Patti Barker is an award-winning felt-wear designer and enjoys teaching others her original designs. All of Patti's designs are produced with felted seams (no sewing). The fabric and the garment are created simultaneously, using wet felting techniques. What makes them unique is her hand-dying of elements used. She also hand-spins her embellishing art yarns and totally enjoys the playfulness they bring to the process. Patti earned a BA degree in studio art from Western Washington University, 2017. She was fortunate enough to participate in a travel abroad program with a month-long residency in Auvillar, France. Patti has exhibited in juried art shows for over eight years, her work has been published in major fiber art magazines, and she has been teaching felt making since 2012.
Patti lives in the San Juan Islands with her husband, Rex, and their parrot, Baby Huey. To see more of her work, visit Classes Patti will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW:
Karen Chabinsky
Karen Chabinsky has been a weaver, spinner and dyer for over 25 years. Spinning has always been to learn as much as possible and gain a greater understanding of the different fibers and she has learned and met the challenge of various types of fibers including Flax, Silk, Wool, Mohair, Exotic Fibers and yarn including Plied, Crepe, Cabled, Art Yarns and many others. Karen has taught many different types of spinning and weaving classes over the years, sharing her knowledge of fiber, and providing insight into fiber and process. Karen is also a Certified Judge through the NorthWest Regional Spinners Association.
Classes Karen will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW:
Janet Deutmeyer
Janet lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, 2 cats and dog. Her spinning life started 10 yrs ago when they had an Alpaca farm. She is an Olds Master Spinner graduate who loves sharing the love of fiber with people. She has taught at other fiber festivals and has been published in PLY magazine.
Classes Janet will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW:
Lisa Ellis
Lisa Ellis is a freelance knitwear designer, owner of a wholesale pattern line and traveling knitting instructor in the Pacific Northwest. Lisa has two publications with Leisure Arts and is also a contributing designer to more than a dozen other books and magazines. In addition to her designs, she has written numerous articles on “knitting techniques”. Her passion is taking knitters to the next level. Lisa is a native of Washington state, currently living in Gig Harbor.
Classes Lisa will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW:
Gail Entwistle
Gail first started needle felting over 9 years ago and from the moment she first handled fleece she was hooked. She has won awards for both her sculptural felting and her wool paintings. Currently she teaches, demonstrates and sells at local galleries, fairs and festivals.
In the years since she started, she has taken a fleece from start to end to understand the process. She has dyed her own fiber with food safe dyes. Through these processes she has learned about different breeds and the nature of their fiber. She learned that the processing of the fiber is not her strength so she has teamed with local Shepherdesses to obtain her processed wool. She continues to read about different breeds and to experiment with many types of fleece. Gail lives in the beautiful Kittitas valley with her husband and 2 cats. Visit Gail’s shop at: Classes Gail will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW: Needle Felting: Intermediate Tips and Techniques |
Kay HarradineKay Harradine has been weaving for over thirty years and has been a serious student of basketry during that time, pursuing both contemporary and indigenous forms of the craft. She specializes in working with plant fibers harvested responsibly from forest, wetlands and her garden. She has attended workshops with many local and nationally recognized master weavers and instructors. With degrees in Forestry and Education from the University of Washington, she benefits her basketry students with ethno-botanical knowledge and strong teaching skills. Kay has taught for Pacific Weave (The Basketry School) and through Washington state community education programs and for regional Basketry and Weaving Guilds and Conferences. She is an active member of several artists’ and basketry guilds, and regularly promotes the art of basketry by creating educational displays, demonstrating weaving, and volunteering for children’s programs.
Classes Kay will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW:
Tandy Imhoff
Tandy is an avid knitter and crocheter with over 15 years of experience. Her key philosophies are: if you enjoy what you are creating, then you are doing it just right and you are capable of working any pattern with patience and perhaps some extra help and guidance, which she loves to provide.
Tandy loves exploring new stitches in both knit and crochet and learning new techniques. Her unquenchable quest for knowledge keeps her always learning and trying new techniques, patterns and crafts. She is always eager to learn all she can about fiber related subjects and loves sharing the tidbits she learns with other crafters. This insatiable desire for knowledge and sharing, led her to begin teaching in 2013 on a wide range of knit and crochet techniques. Classes Tandy will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW:
Michael Kelson
Michael Kelson of "SpinPossible Yarn" is the coordinator for the annual Men’s Fall Knitting Retreat and the Seattle Men Who Knit meet-up. By day he is a software professional, but on weekends he’s usually out and about with his miniSpinner in tow. Michael teaches spinning classes at Weaving Works in Seattle and also teaches regularly at fiber festivals across the Pacific Northwest including Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival, Knot Another Fiber Festival, NWRSA Conference, and Black Sheep Gathering.
Classes Michael will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW:
Kathy Martin
Kathy put in her time in the non-fiber related rat race and now fills her days with caretaking her Angora goats and playing with natural fibers. Kathy spins, dyes, knits, crochets, triangle loom weaves and enjoys fiber outreach. Wynham Farms and gotmygoat are recognizable from her online ventures and fiber festivals where she can be seen spinning textured and traditional yarns.
Classes Kathy will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW:
Vicky Nickelson
I belong to the Northwest Basket Weavers Guild and the National Basketry Organization. I am President of the Northwest Basket Weavers Guild. Being a part of the basketry community, I have sought out other natural fibers to include in baskets, like cedar bark, bull rush and reed. This past summer I ventured up to Seldovia, Alaska and took a salmon fish skin basket class with an Athabascan Native, Audrey Armstrong. However, my passion continues to be Pine Needle Baskets. My baskets have won many awards, including Grand Champion at the Western Washington State Fair and the Evergreen State Fair. I demonstrate the art of pine needle basketry for adult program at Libraries and fairs. I am the organizer of the “Coiling Convergence” in Kent, Washington and other events. At the request of many of my students, I am the author of: Nature’s Touch Basketry By Hand From Pine Needles and Gourds, which can be found on Amazon.
Classes Vicky will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW:
Sari PetersonA crocheter and knitter since childhood, it seems as though Sari has always had crafts and fiber in her life. Later, as a seamstress and costume designer, her love of textiles continued to grow. Learning to spin over 10 years ago was a natural extension of her love of craft and a desire to learn the beginnings of her fibers and fabrics. Once Sari sat down at a wheel there was no turning back. Recently she learned to weave in order to have a greater use for the miles of handspun yarn in her stash!
Loving fiber and spinning as she does, it was a given that she would want to share her passion with others. Six years ago, she started teaching others to spin, on wheels and spindles alike. Sari offers private lessons in her home, your home, or any place in between. She also teaches at local yarn stores in and around Portland, OR. Visit Sari's website: Classes Sari will be teaching at Fiber Fusion:
Joan Ruane
First a professional teacher and then a spinner, Joan Ruane has been teaching spinning classes throughout the U.S., Canada, UK , Australia and New Zealand since 1980. Active in local and regional Guilds, she has also owned and operated fiber shops in both Florida and Arizona. Joan has published cotton newsletters, written articles for fiber magazines and has published two DVD: Cotton Spinning Made Easy and Cotton Spinning With A Takli. She has republished Hand Spinning Cotton by Harry and Olive Linder, bringing it up to date with modern techniques. In 2015 she published the much needed “Beginning Cotton Spinning on the Wheel” workbook.
YouTube videos can be found online and also her DVD’s can be streamed on: Joan has a web site that offers tips on spinning and working with cotton: . Visit Joan's website: Classes Joan will be teaching at Fiber Fusion:
Barbara Seeler
Barbara learned to knit when she was 5 years old and has a life long love affair with fiber. In the early 90’s she started spinning and quickly realized the pairing of spinning with knitting allowed the exploration of fiber, color and texture.
As a workshop “junkie”she traveled the US and Canada studying with as many different mentors as she could. Her day job as a biochemist for 30 years gave her the chemistry background to explore dyeing. She taught with the Greater Los Angeles Spinning Guild while living in Southern California, Peachtree Spinners Guild and Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild while living in Georgia and was on the board of The Handweavers Guild of America. She is currently an active member of Valley Spinners Guild in Snohomish, The Snohomish Knitters Guild and Northwest Regional Spinning Association, teaches spinning at Country Yarns in Snohomish and other venues in the Northwest. Classes Barbara will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW:
Janis Thompson
Janis Thompson is a creative soul with an untamed spirit. When it comes to Fiber Arts, she is all about the sparkles, butterflies and unicorns. COLOR is a passion that has been a source of inspiration and sanity in times of trouble. Janis loves teaching multiple subjects for Eugene Textile Center and she never gets bored! Janis has recently published a new book on Eco-Printing which can be viewed on her website.
Visit Janis' website: Classes Janis will be teaching at Fiber Fusion NW: