Felted Jewelry with Embedded Beads
Instructor: Flora Carlile-Kovacs
Required Skills: Basic understanding of feltmaking required.
In this class, I will guide you to create various shapes of beddings for glass/stone/metal/ceramic beads. You will learn how to connect the segments seamlessly, make the cord for the necklace and a number of options for felted closures. We’ll discuss after-felting embellishment possibilities, such as bead-work or embroidery that can be added to the piece at home.
Supplies Student Should Bring to Class:
● Notebook, pen/pencil for notes
● 2 hand towels
● Glass/stone/metal/ceramic beads size 1” to 1.5” with holes of approx. 2 mm.
● 2’x2’ rubber rug mat (small holes)
● 2’x2’ cotton sheet (old cloth)
● Sprinkler (spray bottle) if you have one, to wet the felt
● 1 olive oil/coconut/goat milk soap bar in a container
● 1 quart bowl for water
● Sharp and pointy scissors
● (Waterproof) apron if needed
Supplies Provided by Instructor: Prefelt, wool, and soap.
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:00am to 4:00pm with 1-hour lunch
$105 (includes $10 materials fee)