gNomees - Gnomes Styled for all Seasons
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Instructor: Gail Entwistle
Required Skills: Basic needle felting.
The class will provide the students with a completed gNomee to take home. Students will learn to make basic shapes that when combined will be the gnome. The students will learn how to attach long curls for the beard and hair. Other decorations, such as flowers, feathers or felted pieces will be of the student’s choice.
Supplies Student Should Bring to Class: Band-Aid.
Supplies Provided by Instructor: Starter kit to take home which will include the following: Felting pad, 3 needles, needle holder, awl, finger cot, needle case, a dowel, core wool, and dyed roving for use in the class.
Day: Sunday
Time: 1:00pm to 4:00pm
$75 (includes $20 materials fee)
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