- 2023 Classes
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Instructor: Kristi Kistner
Student’s Required Skills: All welcome
Class Description: FAMACHA is a diagnostic tool to help you identify parasite infection in small ruminants, such as sheep, goats, llamas and alpacas. The tool is a chart that matches inner eye conjunctiva color to anemia levels, an indicator of parasite infection. This type of diagnosis allows farmers to target treatment only to infected animals, which in some systems has reduced use of deworming agents by 90 percent. Not only do farmers save money, but they also significantly reduce the likelihood of causing parasites to become resistant to dewormers. During this training you will also become familiar with the common internal parasites and their life cycles, dewormer resistance issues, and management options. The FAMACHA training provided in this workshop is only available in-person through certified instructors.
Students Should Bring to Class: Smartphone or Tablet/Laptop in order to view training slides/materials online during training.
Supplies Provided by Instructor (included in the Materials Fee): Students will receive FAMACHA Training materials and the FAMACHA certification card.
Day: Saturday
Time: 9:00 - 12:00
Cost: $51 (includes $15 materials fee)